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Business Intelligence: Support in making better decisions

octoplant Business Intelligence

Generating added value for production with data management

octoplant consolidates the data of complex, fragmented production devices in an easy-to-use data management platform. It makes this data analyzable and creates better, safer and faster decision-making processes. This enables you to gain valuable insights and compare KPIs across different sites and production lines.

The operational data from the devices can also be exported and connected to existing BI systems as a data source. Companies can therefore leverage their plant's valuable data treasure trove on a wide variety of topics and issues and make well-founded business decisions. In addition, octoplant supports significantly more devices on the plant floor level than comparable systems.

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For our users, product quality and user-friendliness are the decisive criteria when selecting our software solution.*

*Source: AUVESY GmbH customer survey, survey period 2023, 162 respondents

octoplant Business Intelligence: Key features

Icon Dashboards und KPIs
Analyse predefined dashboards and KPIs

Visualize and analyze most important information quickly and drill down to gain deeper insights.

Icon BI create own dashboards
Create own dashboards

Create your own dashboards and get more flexibility analyzing and correlating octoplant data​.

Icon Export 3rd Party Data
Import and export 3rd party data​

Correlate data across the automation pyramid and understand how asset changes affect other business KPIs .

Icon multiple instances
View data from multiple instances

Compare insights generated across instances and identify patterns and deviations.

octoplant product brochure

Explore all features in the octoplant brochure.

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What our customers say

Portrait Hassan El Hadad von Tata Steel

With the solution from AUVESY-MDT, we always know the current status of our production plants. It makes our work easier, saves us time and gives us end-to-end clarity on what changes have been made. You can’t get better quality than that!

Hassan El Haddad from MAS Automation works as technical automation specialist at HTD, Tata Steel Europe

Reporting and business intelligence functionalities

octoplant supports the evaluation of data, enabling a faster decision-making process. This can be done within octoplant itself or via an export to an existing BI system of your choice. All important automation technology information is presented clearly in dashboards to provide meaningful management reports and hands-on analyses.

Upgrade to octoplant pro hub for even more BI functionality

octoplant pro hub takes intelligent data management and data analysis for automated production to the next level. Get more flexibility and a better foundation for decision-making.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions

What information do octoplant’s dashboards show?
  • All relevant system information
  • Available components and how they are used and linked
  • All active and inactive jobs, including their most recent execution statuses
  • Job result history
  • All users
  • A list of the client systems used
  • All available licenses, including information about utilization
Can data be evaluated from all of the octoplant entities? How many instances can be connected?

Multiple entities or octoplant servers can be connected to the octoplant system and evaluated. But to do this, those octoplant servers have to be connected to the central octoplant system.

Can data be exported? And if so, in which format?

The octoplant system offers various ways of exporting data to process it in an MES, an ERP system, or similar. You can export data (JSON, XML, CSV) from an octoplant server using the export function. The octoplant system also allows you to export information manually from the tables into a CSV file.

How many users can access octoplant’s dashboards?

There is currently (05/01/2022) no limit on dashboards, so multiple users can access them simultaneously.

Can I purchase additional users?

You can buy additional users easily at any time. Please contact your AUVESY-MDT representative for details.

Case studies