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Software for a smooth process in automation

Increase safety and reduce environmental hazards

Data management for mining, metals and materials

Industry sectors such as raw material extraction, mining, and metal processing often operate under challenging conditions and in demanding environments. These conditions require increased attention to safety, health and environmental protection, as well as continuous monitoring of environmental aspects.

Most underground and surface processes in these industries are controlled by a variety of PLC, SCADA, and in some cases DCS systems. Due to changing production conditions, regular adjustments to the program code of these systems are often unavoidable. Octoplant offers a comprehensive version control solution tailored to the needs of these demanding industry sectors.


Disaster Recovery at the Push of a Button

Safeguard your projects from data loss and minimize downtime.

Compliance Adherence

Simplify documentation and compliance for seamless audits.

Enhance Security

Fortify your OT infrastructure and reduce risks through proactive measures.

With the software solution from AUVESY-MDT, we always know the current status of our production plants. The solution makes our work easier, saves us time and gives us end-to-end clarity on what changes have been made. You can't get better quality than that!

Hassan El Haddad, technical automation specialist at HTD, Tata Steel Europe
Screenshot Change History

Keep Track of All Devices and Drivers

  • Automatically backup assets
  • Get a comprehensive 360-degree view of the entire plant
  • View a complete change history with information on who made what changes, when, where, and why
  • Compare versions graphically and in tabular form
Zurcüksetzen eines früheren Backups auf Knopfdruck

Resume production within minutes for an emergency

  • Quickly restore the right system configurations
  • Perform pattern-based or custom restores
  • Easily organize program backups to see the latest and correct versions
  • Alarm function for deviations from set values and parameters
GUR Dokumentation

Audit Trails at the Click of a Button

octoplant provides a complete change history and documentation of program changes. This allows you to answer typical process documentation questions such as "What", "Why", "Who", "When" and "Where".

  • Improve efficiency with standardized documentation
  • Effective support for comprehensive audits
  • Instantly generate audit reports on demand
  • Ensure compliance with VDA 6.x standards

octoplant product brochure

Explore all features in the octoplant brochure.

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Get a 360-Degree View of Your Production Environment

octoplant supports more devices than anyone else in the industry, including PLCs (e.g. TIA Portal), SCADA systems, HMIs, and robots from different manufacturers. This hepls you better analyze the shop floor, isolate errors, and fix any problems. See for yourself!




NIS2’s new security regulations are forcing industry and suppliers to act

Discover the impact of the EU NIS2 Directive on manufacturing companies! With penalties of up to €10 million or 2% of global turnover, stricter cybersecurity requirements are a reality for industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and more. Our free guide offers concrete solutions to ensure compliance and minimize cyber threats.

Download the free whitepaper now!

Cover NIS 2 Whitepaper



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