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NIS2 Directive: An Overview of EU Cyber-security Requirements

With the upcoming implementation of NIS2 on October 17th, many industries are facing new challenges. Watch this on-demand webcast to learn how NIS2 will impact your manufacturing processes and how octoplant can help you achieve compliance.

Watch the video       Download NIS2 brochure


NIS2: The Future of Cybersecurity in the EU

The Network and Information Security (NIS2) directive is revolutionizing the security landscape. Here are its key features:

Icon Shield

Tightened Security Requirements

  • Enhanced supply chain security
  • Streamlining reporting obligations
  • Implementing tighter supervisory measures
Icon Hand Dollar

Harmonized Sanctions

  • Stricter enforcement rules
  • EU-wide harmonised sanctions not yet quantified



Icon User Shield

Risk Assessments and Multifactor Authentication

  • Integration of risk assessments
  • Implementation of multifactor authentication
  • Implementation of security procedures for employees with access to sensitive data
Icon Clipboard

Supply Chain Security and Incident Reporting

  • Creation of business continuity plans
  • Definition of reporting requirements in the event of security incidents
  • Management liability in case of non-compliance with cybersecurity requirements



Produktion Mitarbeiter

Entities and Companies Affected by NIS2

  1. Providers of Essential Services:
    Including energy, transportation, water, banking, financial market infrastructures, healthcare.
  2. Significant Digital Service Providers:
    Encompassing public administration, aerospace, research, postal services, waste management, mechanical engineering.
  3. Key Providers of Digital Services:
    Such as search engines, cloud computing services, online marketplaces.
  4. Manufacturing and Production of Goods:
    Including the automotive and medical device sectors production & processing of food, Pharmaceuticals.


Does NIS2 apply to your organization?

Let's assess the situation! The questionnaire from PwC Germany provides an initial way to determine whether your organization is affected by the directives.

Start the analysis



Online demo of SAP Connect

NIS2 Compliance in Manufacturing: Are You Prepared?

Discover how the new NIS2 directive will impact your manufacturing operations. Access the on demand webcast with cybersecurity expert Dr. Westpfahl and learn how octoplant ensures compliance. 


Watch the video



Measures to Be Taken According to NIS-2 Regulations

Icon User Lupe

Management Accountability

Company leadership is responsible for monitoring and participating in cybersecurity training. Violations may result in sanctions and temporary exclusion from
leadership roles.

Icon Clipboard

Business Continuity Plan

Companies need plans for handling major cyber incidents, including system recovery, emergency procedures, and the establishment of a crisis response team.


Icon Report

Reporting Obligations

Essential and significant entities must have procedures for promptly reporting security incidents that have significant impacts on their service provision or recipients.

Icon Sirene

Risk Management

  • Incident management
  • Enhanced supply chain security
  • Improved network security
  • Better access control
  • Data encryption



Dr. Antje Westpfahl

Expert Webcast

Looking for clarity on NIS2 and its implementation? Access the on-demand webcast with cybersecurity expert Dr. Swantje Westpfahl's for essential insights into the impact and implementation of NIS-2. Benefit from the expertise of a cybersecurity authority at your convenience!

Watch the video






How octoplant Enhances Cybersecurity

The new EU directive aims to protect IT and OT systems from cyberattacks by increasing the resilience of these systems. The version control software octoplant can assist you in meeting the requirements and ensuring that your IT and OT infrastructure complies with the required standards.

Asset Management

  • octoplant provides a comprehensive change history, detailing exactly what changes were made by whom, when, and why.
  • Automated notifications for unintended alterations enable the early detection and resolution of potential security risks.
  • Granular access management ensures that only authorized personnel can make changes to the respective devices.
Octoplant ASC Risk Bewertung

Risk and Vulnerability Management

  • octoplant monitors assets and automatically notifies companies of vulnerabilities and risks by matching them against Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
  • A separate risk score for each asset highlights potential threats
  • Additional preventive features, such as change and vulnerability detection, actively help prevent outages
Zurcüksetzen eines früheren Backups auf Knopfdruck

Business Continuity Management

  • octoplant provides version control and automated backups for all operational technology devices, ensuring fast recovery of critical programs and data at all times.
  • This reduces downtime by an average of 13 hours per year.










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Online demo of SAP Connect

Access On Demand Webcast on NIS2

Stay on top of the latest developments in cybersecurity. Access the on demand webcast and gain insights from a leading cybersecurity expert.


Watch the video