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NIS2’s new security regulations are forcing industry and suppliers to act

An overview of actions and solutions for the new EU directive

Cover NIS 2 Whitepaper

Stricter cybersecurity requirements for production

The EU’s new Network and Information Security 2 Directive sets out new security requirements for manufacturing companies and includes penalties of up to ten million euros or two percent of global turnover. This is the first time that new cybersecurity regulations have focused on the industry as a whole as well as critical infrastructure. Sectors like chemicals, food, and general industrial activity—including mechanical engineering, transport, automotives, and electricals—are directly impacted by the Directive.

It goes further than previous legislation—meaning its predecessor NIS and the KRITIS Directive— by setting out more specific regulations and higher fines that affect not only critical infrastructures.

Do you know if your company is compliant?

Icon Geldstrafe NIS 2

Penalty for violations

Ten million euros, or two percent of global sales in the previous year from 2024.


Our guide provides answers to the following questions:

  • What new requirements does the industry face and which sectors are affected? Details of the new cybersecurity compliance hurdles.
  • What specific requirements do the new regulations set out and when will they apply to which industries?
  • How can executives at manufacturing companies systematically comply with the stipulated requirements and methods?
  • How does octoplant help to ensure cybersecurity and compliance and prevent outages?

Download our free white paper and learn about what the new NIS2 Directive requires - and what you can do about it.