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Asset Inventory Service

Find, manage, and analyze your OT inventory

Network monitoring and vulnerability detection help you achieve greater cybersecurity for your OT ecosystem

The Asset Inventory Service improves the cybersecurity of your operational technology (OT) and works with versiondog and standard automation devices across your OT ecosystem. The monitoring system includes identifying OT assets by analyzing captured automation projects, as well as identifying vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks.

The basis for your smart factory – intelligent protection for your OT

    Automatic detection by importing connected devices from versiondog.
    Manage the data of all your OT assets even if they are connected or not connected to versiondog
    Detailed information about risk levels and vulnerabilities for all of your assets

Asset Detection

The devices connected in versiondog are automatically updated and added to the existing list along with all existing information. You can also detect any assets that are not backed up in versiondog at present and therefore not included in your disaster recovery plan. All identified assets will be automatically added to your central inventory list.

Here’s how you can easily eliminate gaps in your disaster recovery strategy.

Asset Management

Manage all of your critical infrastructure assets automatically in a central inventory list. Thanks to the additional detailed information from versiondog, you will receive a clear and straightforward allocation.

Receive all important information (e.g. firmware versions) concerning your critical assets at a glance.

Risk & Vulnerability Score

Ensure your device data is up-to-date thanks to the latest common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) data and gain access to an extensive library of insecure protocols, misconfigurations and other vulnerable security points.

Gain an automatic assessment of all vulnerabilities, affected assets and the entire industrial network.

Reasons why you should incorporate the Asset Inventory Service at your company

[Translate to English:] Bild mit Lupe für Transparenz

Single Source of Truth

Gain overall device transparency as well as automatic device inventory with comprehensive information about hardware, firmware, model, rack slot, IP, manufacturer, etc.


[Translate to English:] Symbolgrafik für Disaster Recovery

Expanded disaster recovery

Identify additional critical network assets not included in your disaster recovery plan and ensure future backups.


[Translate to English:] Tachometer und Zahnräder

Increased efficiency

Centralized access, management, and reporting for all assets, including vulnerability and risk assessment.


[Translate to English:] Wippe mit Kreuz und Dollarzeichen

Reduce total operation costs

Increase productivity, process streamlining and avoid human error. Thanks to reduced manual effort and simplified reporting you achieve more time to concentrate on more important matters.



What information does the device inventory contain?
  • Hardware
  • Firmware
  • Model
  • Rack slot
  • IP
  • Manufacturer
  • And much more!
Will versiondog users have their work disrupted due to the automatic matching by the asset list?

The import process is performed automatically after a change in versiondog (e.g. Check-In of a component or (optionally) after each job execution). Since the import takes place on the versiondog server and after Check-In / job execution, the user’s workflow will not be disturbed.